Our big excitement for the week was finally getting our new fence installed. We had started the process back in October, but our "fence guy" couldn't get to it before the winter set in and the ground froze hard. Especially since we had a particularly snowing and cold December. So the weather has finally warmed enough and he was able to get his crew in last week to take down the fence between my driveway and my neighbors and put up a beautiful new cedar fence. It looks quite nice and it's really nice to have a fence that isn't leaning at a 25 degree angle.
Friday night we had tickets to see the Admirals play their next to last game of the season. It was an exciting game as the Admirals scored six goals and fortunately this time we didn't land up with a puck whizzing by our heads. I still remain amazed at their dexterity on skates but I certainly wouldn't want to put up with all the bumps and bruises you must get playing this physical of a game. That will be our last hockey game for the season since we don't attend the playoffs.
Saturday we were in Chicago and had a wonderful dinner on the Chicago river with our good friends, John and Linda. It has been several months since we saw them last so lots of catching up to do. Sunday was spent enjoying a nice long walk as the weather turned balmy in the 70's along with enjoying a bit of a nap during the afternoon - just to get refreshed for the start of the new week.
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1 year ago