Sunday, January 11, 2009

January 11, 2009

We are enjoying a winter wonderland, as we had another snowfall over night. We have been going through these regular cycles of snowfall and then just about when it has all melted away, another snowfall. The unfortunate fact of this snowfall meant Jo needing to scramble and change her travel plans. Jo is in Malaysia and was originally scheduled to leave from Newark on Saturday at 11:30 PM - right in the middle of the predicted snow. So with some quick calls to her administrative assistant, who was really special helping on a Friday night, and the travel desk she moved her trip up to leave at 8:30 Saturday morning. Unfortunately, this meant she spent Saturday on a plane instead of at home. I spent the day running errands and chopping some wood as we have been making big use of our fireplace with all the cold weather.

This last week was the usual mix of work, exercise, and evening relaxation. Although, we both spent a bit of time in the evenings working on year-end performance reviews as it is the time of the year to have all those completed. Fortunately, those are all completed and now just have to wait to conduct the one-on-one discussions. Nothing too exciting to report, except we are watching to see if Dow completes its acquisition of Rohm and Haas. I'm of mixed feelings, personally would love to see Rohm and Haas stay independent, but I'm sure it is probably better for it to be sold. As a shareholder, I suppose it is better for it to be sold to Dow.

For the coming week, I'm a bachelor, so I'm grabbing some key introvert time. Will spend today, snowblowing the driveway (believe it or not, one of my favorite things to do - don't ask why, I just love it. I think it might be the driveway looks all neat afterwards, or I just love to watch snow shoot out of the blower) and then will hunker down with a good book. The rest of the week will be work.

Have a great week.

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