Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Cast Free

It must be the final week before Christmas as the roads aren't as busy for Jo going to work, the hallways are emptier, and the work day ends a little earlier each day.  The big news for the week was Jo finally getting her cast off.  Now starts the fun of rehabilitating a wrist and thumb that haven't moved much in six weeks, but everything looked good under the cast (swelling is down and the incision is healing) as long as you can ignore about ten layers of dead skin peeling off her arm.  Hopefully the video works since we were fascinated to watch her cast being sawn off - fortunately they left her arm attached.  Next up will be her right hand sometime in the spring.  Sort of hard for both of us to look forward to doing this process all over again - ok, it is much worse for Jo I just have to provide moral and material support.  Will be really hard for Jo since she really isn't very strong using her left hand for stuff.

For the weekend, we attended an Admirals game on Saturday with some of Jo's HR team.  It was an exciting game with a final score of 7-5 with the hometown team winning.  The real fun came with the game tied with 30 seconds left to play when the Admirals executed a picture perfect pass through the crease followed by a score.  Not sure we had ever seen that many goals scored in a hockey game.  Sunday we went for a nice walk to enjoy the warm weather we have been enjoying and then in the evening we attended Jo's holiday work party at her bosses house.  It was a nice evening talking with people Jo works with and their spouses but, for me at least, the highlight was the phenomenal desserts.  You can always tell the quality of a party by the desserts they have - at least that's how I rate parties.

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