Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10, 2010

Given the spring like weather, I'm just not getting around to posting my weekly missive on Sunday.  So you get them a day later.  Not much news to report this week and neither Joann or I was a shutterbug so no new pictures to post.

Fairly quiet work week for both of us with no new surprises to be had.  Weekend wise, we had the entire weekend to ourselves so Friday afternoon we went to see Iron Man 2 at the matinee.  A very action packed movie with the usual spectacular special effects.  We both enjoyed it and would recommend taking the time to see it in the theater.  It was home then to our usual pizza night although we splurged and ordered take-out pizza instead of making our own.  Saturday morning dawned wet and drizzly so we worked out downstairs.  Then it was patching the cracks in the walls and ceiling of the porch for me while Jo did the usual mix of grocery shopping, dry cleaning, and miscellaneous chores.  Then we both got to relax with a 90 minute massage.  After our massages we found a cute restaurant in East Lyme for lunch and topped it off with Dairy Queen blizzards - ice cream is the perfect way to end a relaxing massage session (in case you didn't know).  Then it was home to a few odds and ends for the rest of the day.

After our run Sunday morning we hit our weekly yoga session to get rid of any kinks remaining after our massages.  Then I painted the previously patched porch while Jo mowed the grass - seemed like a fair trade.  Then in the afternoon we weeded the garden and added some protective screening to our tomatoes due to the forecast of frost potential.  We do have some progress on our peas, lettuce, and onions but everything is still pretty small - still hasn't really got completely warm as yet, with pretty cool evenings still happening.  Dinner was steak with mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes (yummy!), and some green beans from last year's harvest.  Then it was an evening of relaxation and mental preparation for another week of work.

Work wise this week, I finally met and spoke for a little bit with my new boss.  Seems like a nice guy - but we only talked for 2 hours so we'll wait and see.  Jo is off for another of her New York jaunts until Thursday, so I'm a bachelor the rest of the week. 

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