Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Warmth again - in LA

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this recently, but is really cold in WI.  Between the constant snowfalls and below normal temperatures, everyone is worn out on winter.  So we decided to take a break and enjoy somewhere warm for once.  Jo had a meeting in San Diego and we decided to make a week of it and go up to LA prior to the meeting.

Our first stop in LA was the La Brea tar pits.  I know most people go to LA to see celebrities, I wanted to see tar encrusted bones.  The tar pits were fascinating with a really good museum and displays of ongoing digs.  We both especially loved the fact that tar is still bubbling to the surface - of which we brought some home in the tip of one of Jo's crutches.  I'll digress from the trip to say that Jo is making excellent progress in her rehabilitation.  She got permission to begin to put weight on her surgically enhance leg and has rapidly moved to getting around with only one or no crutch.

Other fun sites during the week was touring Beverly Hills mostly to ogle the expensive houses and people watching the interesting LA folks around Grauman's theater.  We really enjoyed looking at the houses, especially with the Zillow app which allows you to see the houses for sale as you tool down the street along with the estimated value of the various houses.  Found an empty lot for $5 million in case anyone is interested.  And yes that is $5,000,000 for a lot with no house!  Our other tour stops included a lovely stroll up and down Venice Beach (again enjoying some of the more interesting folks living in LA - must be the sun or something), a visit to the Getty Villa (very cool museum, plus it must be nice to have oil money and not just some oil stuck in your crutch), driving around for a good picture of the Hollywood sign (harder than we thought it would be, we both thought you could see that anywhere you were), and shopping on Rodeo Drive (all right, we window shopped, seriously who would pay $1,600 for what was functionally a T-shirt).

One of the key highlights was we attended the taping of two TV shows - Last Man Standing and 2 Broke Girls.  What a fascinating process and a completely different work environment than what either of us had ever experienced.  The two studios did a great job making the experience interesting and enjoyable especially when you are on the fourth take of a scene.  We managed to get some swag from both - an autographed picture of Tim Allen and a Max's homemade cupcake.  If anyone is a major Tim Allen fan and wants the picture, just let us know.  Sorry the cupcake was promptly tasted (quite yummy).

Unfortunately our few days in LA came to a close way to fast and it was back to San Diego for Jo's meeting.  We were fortunate that our niece, nephew, and grand-niece happened to be vacationing near San Diego and we enjoyed a wonderful, sunny, warm (did I mention WARM) lunch at the Hotel Coronado followed by some delicious ice cream.   Then it was back to Milwaukee where the temperatures this week are predicted to be below zero overnight and at best in the teens during the day.  Gotta love winter!

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