Monday, August 14, 2017

Quincy is Lovely in the Summer

Maid Rites
A certain, special someone celebrated a milestone over the weekend.  It has been 40 years since Jo graduated high school and left her hometown to see the bright lights of the big cities in the world.  Her high school class got together over the weekend to see how much everyone changed, reminisce about old times, and catch up on what is happening today in their lives and families.  I had the opportunity to attend along with Jo and chat with some of her classmates to find out about the Jo before I met her - cheerleader, brainiac, and chem nerd.  Fortunately, my high school hasn't had reunions (or they decided there wasn't any need to invite me) so I haven't aged at the same rate as Jo - I mean really 40 years since high school.  Jo seemed to have a good time since we didn't leave until 11:30 PM and her voice was all crackly the next day from talking so much (yes, it actually is possible for Jo to talk too much.  I know - it surprised me as well).

We spent the rest of the weekend visiting places and restaurants from Jo's childhood.  This involved eating Maid Rites at Maid Rite (a maid rite is ground hamburger piled on a bun with mustard, onions, and pickles - it is different, but a Quincy institution, at least the shakes were delicious), pizza at Cassano's, breaded tenderloin sandwiches at Elder's and hitting the Knights of Columbus BBQ.  Wasn't the best weekend for our diets, but it was all "comfort food" - at least for Jo.  We also spent a morning walking around town which included a visit to the house Jo grew up in that her father built himself and her high school where I think she had cheerleading flashbacks as she seemed to want to break into cheers.

We also had time to catch up with her good friends, Mary and Tina, along with her cousin Jim, to find out what has been happening to them since she last saw them in person - which has been years and years for all.  All too soon it was time to pack up and hit the road for home.  On the way home we stopped in Lake Geneva (since the route from Quincy leads right by it) and spent an afternoon on the lake with John and Linda.  Their youngest daughter was their, along with her beau, so we caught up on her summer adventures while enjoying a great day cruising the lake.  It was a nice way to relax from weekend and get mentally prepared for another work week (well at least for Jo).

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