Thursday, November 30, 2017

An Omaha Adventure

We spent our Thanksgiving week in Omaha visiting family and attending the wedding of our godson.  Yes, this is the poor child that landed up with both of us as his godparents.  Fortunately, he wasn't too, too scarred by the experience and grew into a very nice, although very tall, young man (adult?  not sure what adjective to use to describe someone in their 30's, he is young relative to me, but then that is true for a lot of people these days).  So after a long drive out to Omaha we stayed with our niece and nephew and their darling daughter.  They have settled into their new house nicely and we had our own private suite in their basement bedroom - quite the digs.

Thanksgiving was hosted by our brother-in-law and was quite the spread given the number of family members in for the wedding weekend.  Never can go wrong with a delicious turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, and sweet potatoes.  After a round of cherry pie and ice cream for dessert I pretty much didn't need to eat for the next two days - not that I stopped eating the next two days, I just didn't really need to.   Friday was spent with a little shopping braving the holiday crowds and then enjoying the latest Thor movie to get out of the house a bit and away from all the bustle for the wedding.

Then it was the big day which cooperated by being warm and sunny.  The wedding went off without a hitch with a beautiful bride and handsome groom.  Although, I must say after spending some 30 years learning all the right responses to a Catholic mass they went and changed them all up - for no apparently good reason that I can tell except to catch the non-Catholics in their midst saying the wrong things.  The reception afterwards also went smoothly with a chance to catch up some more with various family members.  Then all too soon it was Sunday morning and time to get back into the car, tackle the holiday traffic, and drive for hours on end to get home.  Everything was intact and functioning at home which is always a good end to a trip.

Onto Christmas and helping out the local, US, and global economies.

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