Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 6, 2011

No pictures this week.  I was planning to take a picture of the grass finally showing in the backyard, but alas while significant melting progress was made, it didn't get all the way exposed.  I also could have taken a photo of my office at Pfizer as I left for the last time, but that suffered from poor planning on my part (in other words, I forgot to take the photo).  So just words this week.

First week alone in the house while Jo settles into Milwaukee life.  Place feels pretty empty without her here - although given her travel schedule the last few years you would think I was used to that.  I finished out my last week of working without any drama.  Folks at work had a nice going away dinner for me on Monday with just the right level of going away speeches and way too much to drink for me.  Tuesday was not a great day as I once again got reminded of what hangovers do to you the next day.  The rest of the week at work was finishing off a couple of last minute items and preparing all the necessary paperwork to exit a major US corporation.  With all that, Friday came quickly and I said goodbye to the place I had been going to for over 9 years.  While this change is the right thing to be doing, it was still tough to go - well not really that tough.  Now I'm gainfully either unemployed or retired depending on what kind of mood I'm in that day.  Stay tuned here to see how that goes.

Spent the weekend relaxing - that's the retired me - and cooking.  All day yesterday I was either making desserts or preparing new recipes for the week's dinners.  I tried to make chicken curry that needed to "rest" for a day before eating - so we'll see tonight how that went.  Was a great way to spend the day and hopefully a sign of things to come.  Today was cleaning up a couple of the rooms and doing some work on the computer.  Tomorrow will be my first real day of not working - I'm hoping I'm not bored by the end of it as that would be a poor harbinger of things to come.  Although, I am betting that I'm up at 5:30 all ready to go somewhere.  Fortunately, there is a yoga class at 7:30 I can trot off to.

Weather is getting warmer, so there is hope of finally seeing my backyard sometime this week.

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