Sunday, March 13, 2011

Words from Wisconsin

Hello from Jo.  I thought I'd add in a quick update on life in Milwaukee.  I am two weeks into my new role, everyone has been very helpful, and I am still learning a lot.  When I'm not at work, I'm getting to know the area, mostly with runs around town.  Yesterday I decided to run past our new house, which was quite a hike from my downtown temporary residence - about 1.5 hrs round trip, with a strong (and cold) headwind on the way back.  So I'm feeling it a bit today.  After my run, I went to the annual St. Patrick's day parade, which went right past the hotel I am staying in.  While I was tempted to watch it from my window (great view and nice and warm inside), I decided to join the festivities on the ground.  It was a lovely parade with lots of local Irish organizations, including the requisite bands with bagpipes (more Scottish than Irish in my view, but the Scottish Society had a banner that said St. Patrick was Scottish, so who am I to question that?)  There were also a number of Irish dancing schools who stopped periodically to demonstrate their high stepping skills.  All the girls had curly hair and I initally wondered how they could all have grown similar locks until I realized they were all wigs!  I've included a few pictures of the festivities for your viewing pleasure.
Last night, I had dinner with my first cousin once removed (at least I think that is our relationship, she is the daughter of my first cousin) who lives in the area.  Nice to catch up on family happenings.   I'm heading to lunch in a few minutes with a friend from my Fielding graduate school days and then back to work tomorrow.  Being a working stiff again is hard after having a month or so off!
In the meantime, I am awaiting the return of spring, which is, alas, taking a bit longer than it is in CT (no surprise, I guess.)  Til next time... 

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